Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Tis' the Season


       This holiday season has been full of joy and bliss. The hallmark movies are in full force this year and have been on the big screen from when I come home from work to when I go to sleep. Starting "before Thanksgiving"that's right... I said it. I started watching the hallmark channel before thanksgiving. I got the holiday spirit early this year. I don't think you could ever have to much Christmas cheer, unless you're the Grinch.
        After taking down the rest of the fall decorations, we spend many hours setting up every Christmas decoration in box. Instead of spending BLACK Friday battling the crowds trying to save every penny, we normally spend the day after Thanksgiving decorating. This year, was a page turner for the Martin family. Seeing as retail has decided that Thanksgiving is none other then another business day with a late start. This year, business' opened at 6pm the day of, well Best Buy where my father works did. So with my mom being a nurse, my dad a manager at one of the biggest retail locations, my little sister away at college and my older sister working, Thanksgiving was celebrated on the 30th. So celebrating the day after Black Friday, Christmas decorating was off this year, half decorations went up early and the remaining went up after Saturday.
         From here on out I see new traditions forming with all 3 girls going their own way. Sadly enough I feel this will be my last Christmas at the house I've called home for the last 12 years. I don't have any definite plans, or anything for sure, but I do have an idea. You shall be updated on that adventure when the time comes. Have a great evening

May you have
the spirit of Christmas
which is Peace,
the gladness of Christmas
which is Hope,
and the Heart of Christmas